

2024Year Summer Vacation Information / Hot Weather Rest Notice

2024August 7 -

2024Year Summer Vacation Period Information/ Summer Vacation Notice August 10, 2024(soil)/Week 6 ~ August 14, 2024(water)/3 days a week 1 Business 1 Japan-China trade/wholesale business (1) Before the holidays Outside the Kanto suburbs August 7, 2024(Wednesday)Until 10 a.m. Order deadline Kanto suburbs August 8, 2024(Thursday)Deadline for orders by 10 a.m. (2) After the holidays Outside the Kanto suburbs August 16, 2024(Friday)Shipment starts Scheduled arrival date 8/21~ Kanto suburbs August 16, 2024(Friday)Start of shipment Scheduled arrival date 8/21~ 2 SNS/Online sales Asia Cho City / Asian Super Each store & Sino-Japan Trading in-house HP sales (1) Before the holidays Order deadline August 8, 2024(Thursday)By 10 a.m. Order Deadline Shipment Deadline August 9, 2024(Friday)Shipment deadline until 3 p.m. (2) After the holidays Shipment starts August 14, 2024(Wednesday) 2. Inquiries ** In the case of some manufacturer's products and Japan-China trade PB products, please contact us separately. Please note that the order/shipment date varies depending on the manufacturer. Three vacation periods.. Read more

輸入食品 ハラル菓子 トルコ産ハラール標示があるスナック菓子。

Imported food Halal confectionery Snacks with Turkish halal marks.

2024August 3, 2016

トルコ産 ハラール標示があるスナック菓子。/來自トルコ/土耳其的ハラール/清真標示零食。NO8925-8927-8929Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。